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Our Services

For over 25 years, Bridgemaker team members have helped organizations – across 15+ industries – sell “Big Ticket” offerings directly and through partners. 

What We Do

We increase the sales velocity, volume, and value of sales. To accomplish this, we provide everything you need to make referral sources successful at bringing you profitable business.

We help you build, roll-out, measure, and hone Managed Referral Programs, which:

  • Include a well-defined structure, achievable sales goals, and trackable processes.

  • Treat every referral source with respect and dignity. 

  • Recognize and accommodate each referral source’s unique strengths.

Note that:

  • All programs are customized. 

  • Programs can be managed as a standalone “pilot project” or “hardwired” in your organization to complement your sales initiatives and process. 

Managed Referral Programs

We take you through the seven phases of building, rolling out, and honing a successful

Managed Referral Program.

To ensure you’re always in control, you choose the speed and timing you want to go through the phases. We’ve “bucketed” these phases into three separate services: Explore BRP, Action BRP, and Fastest Path to Revenue . 


Each of these services includes specific deliverables (see below) and is priced separately so that you can choose if/when you want the next service. 

7 Phases to develop a successful managed referral program

Explore BRP

We make sure your Managed Referral Program produces the sales results you are targeting by assessing your organization’s “Referral Readiness”.


Answers the question:

“Is a managed referral program right for us, or right for us now?” 

What is Involved

Interviewing those within your organization who will supervise, manage, and support a referral program.

What You Get

A “Readiness Assessment” with that evaluates your organization’s capacity to establish and sustain a Managed Referral Program.


The assessment includes recommendations in 10 key areas:


Goals, People, Culture, Processes, Technologies, Data, Budget, Reputation, Alignment, and Support/Sales Assets.

Action BRP

We provide you with an action plan that leverages only those referral sources who will bring you the kind of business you need to meet your sales targets.


Answers the question:

“What does a managed referral program look like for us?” 

What is Involved

Review and analysis of referral behaviors; 




Interviews and facilitated discussions with up to 10 potential referral sources to identify their (unique and evolving) skills to refer, willingness to refer, and opportunities to refer.

What You Get

A customized Managed Referral Program Action Plan spanning 12 to 18 months detailing the steps needed to activate your referral sources by addressing their gaps in skills, willingness, and opportunities to refer the business you want.

Fastest Path to Revenue

We roll out a customized Managed Referral Program by providing the support you need in project management, coaching, and development of sales enablement tools/materials.


Answers the question:

“How can we ensure a referral program delivers the results we need?” 

What is Involved

Supporting roll out of the customized Managed Referral Program Action Plan that is shaped by the strengths and limitations identified in “Explore BRP” and “Action BRP”. 

What You Get

Six customized sales enablement resources, six quarterly reviews, and 10 hours of coaching and/or project management for:


  • Your chosen referral sources (to find, engage, and qualify revenue-generating opportunities)

  • Your Referral Manager (to manage and empower referral sources)

Team meeting at Bridgemaker Referral Programs

Book a 15-Minute Call With an Expert

To See How We Can Quickly increase Your Sales Velocity, Volume & Value

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